I now generate extra income by writing and selling eBooks on my site. It is easy to use a document editor and then export the document as a PDF and upload it to a seller service. I use Payhip who only take 5%, but there are many others who will sell your eBooks for you. They can add a watermark to each page of the PDF with the buyers email address on it to avoid copying. I have found that with the Corona lockdown giving more people time at home, eBook sales have increased. I now make twice as much a month from selling eBooks about the software on my site than I get via Ezoic! I put step-by-step instructions in each eBook and include Exercises for what I think might be the most popular requirements for my intended audience. I use YouTube to advertise my software and eBooks too as well as a blog. It is best to think about writing specific eBooks so that you can have selection of them on individual topics - that way you can entice the reader into buying the next one (as long as the content is original and valuable and not just regurgitated junk harvested from the web)! I try keep the price of each one to below $10 (typically $5-$7). I include extra information, hints and tips, download URLs, etc. which are ONLY available in the eBook. This encourages sales. Ezoic+eBook sales are now my main source of revenue, so if you are self-isolating and have some time, start writing and selling. Once the eBooks are written, they will continue to generate revenue via Social Media, your websites and YouTube, etc. Hope you find this useful! |